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Stratton Oakmont Accelerator

About Our Program

We are excited to be a part of Stratton Oakmont, a space where innovative and groundbreaking projects are created. We are particularly interested in projects that push the boundaries of AI, Deep Learning, Natural Language Processing, DeFi, DAOs, AI-hybrid businesses, process mining and automation.

We are excited to invite founders to join our startup launch platform at any stage: concept, prototype, MVP, or pre-seed. If you don't have an idea or a team yet, we also offer a founder internship program.

Resources We Provide

  • Technical mentorship from experts in blockchain, cloud, and LLM
  • Access to our network of investors and industry leaders
  • Any infrastructure you need: AWS, GCP, OpenAI, serverless, and more (up to $100,000, varies by project)
  • And any developers you need: frontend, backend, UI, ML, DevOps engineers within fund and as an outsource
  • Marketing and PR support
  • Co-working space in our tech hub, food subsidies

Program Outcomes

  • A ready-to-launch product
  • Design, marketing, and content support after launch
  • Equity in your business
  • Fixed bonuses after launch up to $0.5m
  • Connections with potential investors and partners